The Construction Contracts Committe


BKK is a non-profit association consisting of authorities, associations and organizations on the building proprietor, consultants and contractor sides of the construction sector. The Board of directors consists of 10 members and 10 deputy members, of which the building proprietors and contractors each have 4 members and 4 deputy members and the consultants have 2 member and 2 deputy members.

According to its rules the object of the association is to constitute a negotiation body for the principals regarding general conditions for different kinds of contracts, to draw up such conditions, to work for the observance of agreements made within the association and to conduct other activities connected therewith.

At present, the great majority of contracts in Sweden are based either on ”Allmänna bestämmelser för byggnads-, anläggnings- och installationsentreprenader (AB 04)” of 2004 (General Conditions of Contract for Building, Civil Engineering and Installation Work) or ”Allmänna bestämmelser för totalentreprenader, avsedda för byggnads-, anläggnings- och installationsarbeten (ABT 06) of 2006 (General Conditions of Contract för Building, Civil Engineering and Installation Work performed on a package deal basis). Supporting these two documents are commentaries and forms of agreement which have been worked out jointly by the parties. The Construction Contracts Committee has had a decisive influence on the production of all these documents.

In the case of agreements between client and consultant ”Allmänna bestämmelser för konsultuppdrag inom arkitekt- och ingenjörsverksamhet (ABK 09) of 2009 (General Rules for Consulting Works in Architectural and Engineering Activities) is usually applied with appurtenant commentaries and forms of agreement. At the production of these documents, the member organizations of the Construction Contracts Committee have represented the clients.



The Swedish Construction Clients Forum (”Byggherrarna”)

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) (”Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner”)

The Swedish Transport Administration (”Trafikverket”)

The Fortifications Administration (”Fortifikationsverket”)

The Swedish Civil Aviation Administration (”Luftfartsverket”)

National Property Board (” Statens Fastighetsverk”)

Swedish Property Federation (”Fastighetsägarna”)

The HSB National Federation (”HSBs Riksförbund”)

The Co-operative Housing Organization (”Riksbyggen”)

Public Housing Sweden (”Sveriges Allmännytta”)


Federation of Swedish Innovation Companies (”Innovationsföretagen”)


The Swedish Construction Federation (”Byggföretagen”)

The Association of Insulation Contractors of Sweden (”Isoleringsfirmornas Förening”)

The Swedish Installation Federation (”Installatörsföretagen”)

Refrigerating Contractor´s Association (”Svenska kyl- och värmepumpföreningen”)

The Swedish Association of Air Handling (”Svensk Ventilation”)



c/o Anders Bengtsson
Avdelning Juridik
781 89 Borlänge
Phone: +46 10 123 63 53